Do you want to contribute to the FAB25 program? Are you eager to share your know-how or simply create something together with others? Scroll down to explore all the options.
The open call is launched under the theme Bridge the Gap.
Applications are open from January 23 to March 31, 2025 (except for Research Papers – see below).
Once the application period closes, submissions will undergo a curation process. Entries will be approved based on submission quality, program fit, the number of applications and event capacity.
You will be informed of the status of your submission by the end of April at the latest.
1. Read the basic overview of the categories in which you can participate.
- This will help you better understand the scope of each category and decide on the best option for you to apply.
2. Please read the FAQ for Participation carefully.
- You will find answers to many of the questions you may have before, during, or after submitting your proposal.
- In case you haven't find an answer to your questions, reach out to
3. This is what makes a good application:
- Be well-thought-out and prepared. Plan your content in detail to increase the chances of your application being accepted.
- Stay aligned with the specifics of each category as aligned in the application form.
- Submit your application early. This is highly appreciated and helps us process applications more efficiently.
4. Apply simply by clicking "Apply Now," filling out the application form, and submitting it.
- You can fill out applications in different categories without a limit. However, quality wins over quantity.

Whether you're new to FABx events or have attended many, workshops are a great way to share your knowledge with the FabLab network or other attendees. They are either theoretical or hands-on, and cover a wide range of topics, from simple lasering to hacking a machine, making wearables, aligning your FabLab programs with SDGs, sharing machine maintenance tips or your experience with STEM education.
Program segment:
- Fab Conference, afternoons
- 2–4 hour hands-on, during which you actually make something, 10–20 participants
- 2–4 hour theoretical, for sharing know-how or ideation, 10–20 participants
What to expect:
- For hands-on workshops, you can choose materials up to a certain price level. You can specify the materials once your workshop is pre-approved. Most standard materials used in FabLabs will be available.
- For complex hands-on workshops, multi-day format is possible.
- Most standard FabLab machines will be available, you'll be granted an access for leading a workshop or preparations, if needed.
- For theoretical workshops basic equipment such as board, flipchart, screen or markers are usually available.

Share your innovative ideas, groundbreaking studies, and impactful projects by proposing a research paper. We invite researchers studying digital fabrication and the FabLab movement, its ambitions and its impact from a wide range of disciplines, including computer science, engineering, science and technology studies, business and management, media and design, education, urban studies and more.
Program segment:
- Fab Conference
- 2-round submission and in-person presentation during afternoon sessions
What to expect:
- Research paper submissions will undergo a review under the criteria from a program comittee.
- The best paper will have a chance to present on the big stage and will receive an honorary award.
- All peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published with open access on Zenodo.
- The deadline for submitting an abstract of the paper is March 3, 2025.
- Application for this content is outside of this website on platform called EasyChair, where you'll also find the valid deadlines for submission.

Have a unique perspective, experience, expertise, or knowledge to share? Developed a new project, initiative, or product? Or maybe you want to tell the story of how your latest FabLab maker project went from “I’ll finish this in 4 hours” to a month-long journey? Share your insights with the community and spark connections to explore your topic further. We encourage you to align your talk with this year’s theme: Bridge the Gap.
Program segment:
- Fab Conference
- 10 minute fast talks
What to expect:
- The most exciting and interesting talks applications will be given an opportunity to present on the big venue stage!
- You can count on having a proper setup, including screen and other audio-visual equipment depending on room/stage type.
- Your proposal should be clear and concise, while explaining the value of your talk to the FAB25 attendees.

Working groups are an excellent opportunity to meet in person and collaboratively shape the roadmap for the coming year. These groups can focus on specific existing or new projects, initiatives, or networks – such as learning programs under the Academany ecosystem, national FabLab networks, or other efforts within the global FabLab network. The goal is to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration and knowledge-sharing among participants with diverse backgrounds and expertise.
Program segment:
- Fab Conference, afternoons
- 1–2 hour group meeting with approximately 20 participants.
What to expect:
- Working groups usually have an appointed leader who facilitaces the session.
- Basic equipment such as board, flipchart, screen or markers are usually available.

This year, we’re introducing an exciting new format: the opportunity to bring your own Mobile FabLab to FAB25! Join us in creating the largest gathering of Mobile FabLabs ever, showcasing your work to the global maker community. These innovative spaces won’t just be on display – they’ll also serve as workshop venues during the event and be featured at the Fab Festival, where the general public can experience their magic firsthand.
Program segment:
- Fab Conference, Fab Festival
- Prague venue area – there's enough space to park them all
- Actively participating in the program as a hands-on workshop venue, not necessarily leading the workshop
- Just showcasing your mobile FabLab
What to expect:
- Primarily, you'll park the mobile FabLab in the Prague venue area with the possibility to connect to electricity.
- In Brno it won't be possible to join the program due to lack of parking spaces near the venues - please read the FAQ for Participation to get answers for practical questions about parking.
- Please fill in the application form for Mobile FabLabs carefully, so that the process of your arrival is as smooth as possible.

Join us in our efforts to promote the maker movement to the Czech general public. Through hands-on making, FabLabs, mobile FabLabs, and digital fabrication, we’ll highlight key topics such as localized production, sustainability, innovation, and technical and STEM education – all in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. But it’s not just about sharing; it’s also about connecting. Showcase your FabLab, projects, or initiatives to the community and expand your network. Let’s come together to celebrate creativity, innovation, and the spirit of making!
Program segment:
Fab Festival
- hands-on workshop for general public – popularization of digital fabrication for unexperienced people, kids friendly program
- your FabLab/makerspace presentation – desk, where you can put your laptop with presentation, stickers, posters, example products
- project/product/initiative showcase - desk, where you can put your laptop with presentation or other showcase materials
What to expect:
- Remember that the content should be suitable for people without prior knowledge of digital fabrication.