FAB25 Czechia


Important Notes for Submission

  • Open Call Season: The application form is opened from January 23 to March 31, 2025.
  • Preparation Matters: The more prepared and detailed your submission is, the better chance it has for acceptance. Strong proposals clearly communicate their objectives, relevance, and impact.
  • FAQs: For more details on submission rules and expectations, please refer to the information on Participate page and Participation FAQs.
  • Research Paper Submissions: If you are submitting a research paper, please note that these must be submitted via the external platform EasyChair.
  • Public Information: Some of the information you provide (e.g., title, summary, bio) will be made public if your submission is accepted. These details will appear in the detailed schedule and promotional materials.
  • Location Allocation: Your session could be scheduled in either Prague, Brno, or even on the Maker Train journey. Please be flexible the final placement will depend on the program's overall schedule and priorities.
  • Materials for Hands-on Workshops: You’ll be able to choose materials up to a certain price level at no cost. You’ll be asked to specify the materials after your workshop is pre-approved, so there’s no need to include them in this form.

Application form

This will be listed as your speaker name. Write only your name, there is an additional speakers box below for your co-hosts.

Max 50 chars

Max 50 chars

This e-mail will be used for all communications related this application.

Please include the country code (e.g. +420). This number will be used for all communications related this application.

Max 15 chars

Allow us to contact you *

We need your consent to contact you if you are a program participant. This consent is limited to personal information for you and questions related to the event – no newsletter or advertisements. If you do not consent, you cannot complete the application.

Share a brief personal bio, focusing on your role in the maker, education, or innovation community. This will be publically visible in the detailed schedule.

Max 600 chars

Enter the name of the FabLab, makerspace, or organization you represent. If you are participating as an individual without affiliation, write “Maker” or “N/A”.

Max 50 chars

Indicate your current role or function within your FabLab, organization, or as an independent maker. E.g.: “Workshop Coordinator,” “Educator,” “FabLab Manager,” “Student,” or “Artist”.

Max 50 chars

Provide a link to your LinkedIn profile for networking purposes (if applicable).

Upload a portrait photo of yourself. This will be publically visible in the detailed schedule. One file only.

If you plan to co-organize this session with other people, please let us know their name, e-mail, organization and position so we are aware and can create their speaker profiles alongside yours.

Max 200 chars

Category Selection *

Choose the category you want to apply for. Category-specific fields will appear below.

Program track *

Choose the primary theme your submission aligns with.

Choose a title that is clear, engaging, and captures the essence of your submission. E.g.: “Teaching STEM with Open-Source Tools: Lessons from FabLab Brno”.

Max 100 chars

Summarize your submission in a way that highlights its core value, the skills attendees will learn, and the overall impact. Ensure it sounds engaging and provides a clear overview of what participants can expect during your session.

Max 500 chars

Provide a comprehensive description of your proposal, focusing on its purpose, structure, and relevance.

  • • Explain the potential outcomes of your session. What skills, knowledge, or inspiration will participants gain.
  • • Describe how the session will be organized.
  • • This field will help us better understand the submission, assess its fit within the program, and evaluate its overall potential impact on attendees.

Max 1200 chars

Acceptance required for budget approval

By checking this box, you confirm that you require pre-approval for any budget requests related to attending FAB25. Please check this only if this is truly applicable. We will aim to process these submissions sooner; however, this does not provide any advantage in the curation process. Please note, no guarantees can be made at the time of submission.

Capacity *

Specify the maximum number of participants your workshop can accommodate.

Workshop duration *

Select the expected length of your workshop. If the workshop requires multiple days, please indicate this in the "Additional information" field.

Main technology used *

Indicate the FabLab machines you’ll need access to – try to aim using primary 1 technology.

  • • If you cannot find the equipment in the selection, please check the "Other" field and specify in the "Additional information" field.
  • • You'll be able to choose the materials once your application is pre-approved, no need to list them now.

Select any specific conditions or requirements for participants.

Working group duration *

Select the expected length of your working group. If the working group requires multiple days, please indicate this in the "Additional information" field.

Working group context *

Indicate the context in which the working group should meet. If not listed, please fill into "Additional information" field.

Smaller audience

Please check this if you prefer presenting in front of smaller audience (<200 people).

Provide the name of your Mobile FabLab.

Max 51 chars

Briefly describe your Mobile FabLab, including its purpose and key features.

Max 500 chars

Upload photos of the mobile FabLab, both inside and outside. Two files only.

Indicate the equipment or tools available in your Mobile FabLab.

Max 1200 chars

Include the following dimensions for your Mobile FabLab:

  • Vehicle Size: Provide the dimensions of the vehicle itself (e.g., length: 5 m, width: 2 m, height: 2 m).
  • Parking Manipulation Space: Indicate the additional space required for parking and turning.
  • Total Dimensions Including Manipulation Space: Include the overall footprint, factoring in any outside setup, extendable parts, or space needed to freely move around the FabLab.

Max 1200 chars

Travel plans *

If you already have specific details about your travel and parking plans, please include them in the "Additional Information" field. This will help us align your arrival smoothly and provide further instructions tailored to your needs.

Mode of operation *

Indicate how you plan to use your Mobile FabLab during the event.

Indicate the maximum power in Watts drawn by your Mobile FabLab when all machines are operational.

Max 40 chars

Technical checklist *

Select any specific logistical needs for setting up your Mobile FabLab.

Type of activity *

Indicate the type of activity you plan to present at the Fab Festival. Note that this should primarily aim to engage the general public, who may not be familiar with FabLabs and digital fabrication. During the Fab Festival, we aim to change that!

Equipment required *

Specify any technical or logistical requirements for your exhibit.

Please add any important specific information that doesn’t fit elsewhere in the form.

Max 1200 chars